Closing With A Sense Of Wholeness
- Stick 2 pieces of flip char paper on the wall, one above the other but slightly overlapping ie making a long flip chart sheet.
- Draw the outline of a body using the full height of the flip chart sheets.
- Produce the same body outline on an A4 sheet of paper and have copies available for each learner.
- Have post-it notes available for learners.
Activity Flow
- Give each learner their own copy of the A4 body outline.
- Ask learners to work initially on their own using their A4 body outline.
- Ask learners to take a post-it note and stick it on the head of the outline and write what their thoughts are relating to the content of their workshop.
- Ask learners to take a post-it note and stick it on the chest of the outline and write how they are feeling about the content of their workshop.
- Ask learners to take a post-it note and stick it on the legs of the outline and write what support they will need to implement the ideas into their everyday work.
- Ask learners to take a post-it note and stick it on the feet of the outline and write what their next steps will be to action their learning.
- Ask learners to pick-up their body outlines containing the post-it notes and join you next to the giant outline of the flip chart sheets.
- Ask leaners to share their thoughts, feeling etc with the rest of the team sticking their post-it notes onto the giant outline.
If you have a large number of learners, use several body outlines around the room and have learners work in teams of 5 or 6.
Why Not …
Purchase a ‘bendy man’ and give one to each learner to either write on or act as a reminder of their action points. Simply Google ‘Bendy Smiley Man’.
Another Idea
Why not use this idea as an opening activity, simply change some of the associations eg
- Head could be what you already know about the content of the workshop.
- Chest could be how you’re currently feeling.
- Legs could be what might help support their learning during their workshop eg support from other learners by them sharing their ideas and experience, how they might be able to support other learners, how the facilitator can support their learning by giving reflection time, plenty of practice, adding variety etc.
- Feet could be specific tools or techniques they’d like to walk away with by the end of the workshop.
Call to action |
Rather than closing with the usual, “Oh, it’s 4:30. Sorry we didn’t get time to cover everything, but if you could complete the feedback form…” Close with purpose. Build in time for learners to reflect on how they feel about the content and to write what they will implement when they are back in their workplace. |